About SUI
SUI – means needle in Hindi. We are a conscious fashion label based in India and Singapore. The needle for us represents connection, just as the needle connects the thread to a piece of fabric crafting it into a beautiful piece of clothing, our goal at SUI is to connect the threads of nature with fashion.
How do we do this? By crafting clothing with a green heart. A green heart is one that respects nature and the people who craft our clothing.
Our aim is to spread awareness on conscious fashion that is versatile, has minimal impact, is relatable and treats its makers as family. We believe conscious fashion can be engaging, beautiful and impactful.

Thoughtful Journey: For us, for you and for our world, we want to bring thoughtfulness to all the little things that make us who we are. Why? Because this is what our travels with nature have taught us, and continues to teach us - to savour the journey, the little moments and, most importantly, our world.
Conscious Clothing: When we become conscious, we create a change. This is what our collections aim at. Each piece promises a green heart up your sleeve, clothing that is crafted keeping our earth in mind and keeping you in mind. Clothing that always tell a story while reflecting the inspiration of its maker and its journey.

Our Founder's Journey
I've always believed that the best journeys are those that tell powerful stories and have the force to change the way we think. As a young girl, I used to write poems and stories about the impact nature had on me and how it made me feel. Having being born into a family of entrepreneurs where my mother's side of the family has been actively working in the garment business for 50 plus years - my journey with clothing has always been very special. I'd grown up knowing the story behind the people who crafted all my Indian clothing. But it was not until 2016 that I learnt about the hardships of the industry I so deeply adored. I began a journey into mindful purchasing and conscious living, slowly learning to love my existing wardrobe and building a relationship with the things I owned. Every step of the way, I picked up learnings that slowly became an essential part of our story. SUI was born with the idea to make conscious clothing exciting and powerful yet one that also carries a green heart. Each story we share, each person we work with, holds close to our heart. Thank you for joining us on our journey, we hope our pieces forever bring a cheer your way.
-- Mahima Gujral
Our Team
Mohita Gujral,
Our backbone and the Creative Head of Sue Mue
"Being green is more than buying eco. It is unshakable commitment to a sustainable lifestyle."
Mahima Gujral Wadhwa,
Founder & Chief Green Heart-er
Sustainable fashion to me is a constant exploration to find ways to do better for our world, improve even if just a little and constantly make with love and care.
Preeti Sinha,
Head Green Heart Designer
I need more time to design your cloths but with little extra time I can give you ethical fashion.